Shades of Purple and Lavender Boho offers Bouquet,Sola Wood, Sola wood Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Wood Bouquet
Shades of Purple and Lavender Boho offers Bouquet,Sola Wood, Sola wood Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Wood Bouquet, This is a Boho style Bouquet in shades of purple sola wood flowers with Lambs Ear and seeded.
Product code: Shades of Purple and Lavender Boho offers Bouquet,Sola Wood, Sola wood Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Wood Bouquet
This is a Boho style Bouquet in shades of purple sola wood flowers with Lambs Ear and seeded Eucalyptus. The stems are wrapped in white satin ribbon with criss cross purple satin ribbon for contrast and texture. offers