This listing consists of one bridal bouquet.
The bouquet is created with very realistic and high quality artificial roses, peonies, lambs ear, lavender, and greenery. The stems are gathered and wrapped with a beautiful vintage ivory, velvet ribbon. The colors are beautiful hues of blush pinks, white, light purple, and green. It is a very feminine and romantic bouquet.
Each bouquet is handmade and no two will be the same, however, will be kept offers as close to the one pictured as possible. In the case of a supplier not having the same material, something similar will be substituted (purchaser would be notified before continuing).
This bouquet would take approximately 3-10 days to make and prepare for shipping. (If needing your bouquet on the quicker side, please leave us a note!)
SIZE: approximately 12-13 inches tall, 12-14 inches wide, 7-8 inches deep
**If you are needing a custom package created, please notify us! (Ex: bridal bouquet, bridesmaid bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages)
Product code: Wedding Bouquet White Peony Pink Rose Lavender Lambs offers Ear Wedding Bridal Artificial