Red Rose Wedding Bouquet, Red Bride Bouquet, Red Rose Bouquet, Red Bridal Bouquet, Red Black Bouquet, offers Hollywood Wedding, Red Black Wedding
** The Bouquet is Made to Order and Delivery is approximately 8 weeks from payment date. **
1 10in Round Wedding Bouquet with Silk Red Roses with Diamond Pins in Each Rose wrapped in Black satin ribbon crisscrossed in Black sheer with Diamond Pins on the Handle.
Click Here to see the matching 17 piece listing:
Need Different Colors or Additional items; Custom Items can be created for a Wedding Package, Contact us for custom orders.
About Us:
As an avid Gardner, Crafter, Photographer, Website Designer, Mom & Registered Nurse offers for the last 25 years, I integrate my passion for People & Creativity, and my attention to detail, with my Love of Flowers; perenniels, annuals, preserved flowers, into my Silk & Real Touch Floral Designs. I not only use Silks, and Real Touch Flowers but some Naturally Preserved flowers in my creations as well, one of my favorites being the Yellow Billy Button.
Moving back to My Hometown after years of living away, it was my mom that created a simple silk bouquet for my 2010 wedding, shortly after Silk Flowers By Jean was Born. Jean Being Both of Our Middle names. My own Wedding Flowers Decorate a Shelf in My Dining Room where I love seeing them everyday! I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with my mom in creating Custom Silk & Real Touch Floral Wedding Designs. With over 50 years combined experience in perennial gardening, annual gardening, herb, dried, Hospitality, Events, Design, and Photography we will work with you to Create a Design that will be Treasured Forever.
Silk Flowers vs Real Flowers:
#1 Cost 17 piece package average Silk/Real Touch $399-$500
Real Flowers Can Cost $2000-$6000 on up
#2 Treasured Keepsake Silk/Real Touch Flowers & Reception Pieces For Family to Take Home
Real Flowers Thrown Out after a few Days.
We look forward to Creating a Exquisite Custom Floral Design for Your Special Event That you can keep forever. Thank you so much, Kim L King, Creative Director, Owner
Thank you to all the Wedding Parties who have allowed us to be a part of your special day, we truly loved every minute of making your bouquets, and packages.
Photos & designs are property of Silk Flowers By Jean™
Distributing & duplicating is strictly prohibited.
© 2014 Silk Flowers By Jean™