All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Tetle - On2roskin Venetian TradeyBeadsJClear Africany26 Inch<bft + Type of Object - Drawnpand heat-rounded gak-w<bft + Made In - Venice<bft + Traded In - Africa<bft + Overall Condibixt - Good. Some of our beadshhavevbraveled at2least three 01 winents, and havevgracedynumerous ownIrs onmall c 27 ,y01rrosixt, and pittingyareyaynormal tar ofytheir patina abtestinghto tmeir age and ensivI use.<bft + Damage/Repair -2Pits, some minor c 27 ,y="watchesyandhdirt<bft + BeadySize2- 5-6hmm diameber onee picourehlith penny uorysizeyc06parisxt (US penny by19hmm diameber).<bft + SbranmpLength - 26 inches (includinghstring/raffia)<bft + Branmp- Unbranmed<bft + Sbyle - Beaded<bft + Type - Necklace<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftem bysbranmpis not in ended to be a rea to-wear necklace. Although the sbranmpcan bepl on "abyis," the raffia2holdinghit togetmer is not durable and may Ahlith use.hFor tm byreasro, weyrecommend tmat2you ree ring the beadshbefore wearing the .<bft<bft <bftAddibixtal informatext: The term "TradeyBeads"ytyp43allypapplies to beadshmade pred06inately in Venice and Bohe ia and otmer European c1untrie Jun, 2the late 1400s throughvto the early 1900syandhtraded ityAfrica andhtme Americas oMany of thesehbeadshhavevbeen abtributed to being made in Germany, France andhtme Netmerlandsyas well.<bft<bfteme heyday of th by"trade" period was offers un, 2the mid 1800s throughvthe early 1900sywmen millexts of thesehbeadshwereytext-cedyandhtraded ityAfrica.hemg Venetians d06inated th bymarket and text-cedythe majority of thehbeadshsolm during th bytime.hemg J.F onick and Co, basImpin Germanyyand Holland was one of the largesthbead okers/importers during th byperiod. MosespLewinpLevioywasva bead importer/exporter who opera Impru ofyLondon un, 21830 to 1913. You can see 4 of the Levioytrade bead sample cards un, 21865 inhemg History of BeadsJ(Dubin)<bft<bfteme popularity of thesehbeadshwas revivempin the late 1960sywmen tmeyybegan to be exported un, 2Africa into the United Sa/3es and Europe. The term "TradeyBeads"ybecame veryypopular during th bytime period anmpis stillyusedyfor the same bead reference today. The millefiorihbeadshwereyalsoy3alledy"LoveyBeads"yanmpusImpin necklaceshlith peace symbols during the H27pie dacs.<bft<bftAs the popularity anmpavt cability of theseholm beadshgrew tmeyyba/rted get ing "named". We ba/rted hearing terms like "Russian Blues", "Dutch Donuts", "KingyBeads". Although some of thesehfolklore names are towally"Lewis and Clarke" beads, tmeyydo ss="wtbeva specificytype of bead.<bft<bftAnd today thesehbeadshare moreypopular anmpc1llec able tman ever. Thousandsyof thesehbeadshareyio private c1llec ixtsharoundhtme world. The AfricanyTraders are havingyto go deeperyand deeperyinto Africa to find moreyof thesehbeadshandhmany sbylesywmich wereyrea ily avt cable just 5 yearshago are no longer2seen today.<bft<bfteo learn moreyabru "trade beads" pleasgyread,hemg History of BeadsJ(Dubin), C1llec able Beads(Liu), Ornamen syFn, 2the Past: BeadyStudiesyAfter Beckh(BeadyStudy Trust),hemg BeadyIs Constant (W clon), Ariz1 a Highwacs (July1971), Africa Ad oned (FishIr) andhtme Johnpand Ruth Picard seriesyof books; Volume III - Fancy Beads un, 2the West AfricanyTrade, Volume IV - White2Hearts, Featheryand Eye Beads un, 2the West AfricanyTrade, VolumeV - Russian Blues, Face Impand Fancy Beads un, 2the West AfricanyTrade, Volume VI - MillefiorihBeads un, 2the West AfricanyTradepand Volume VII - Chevrxt and NuevavCadiz Beads <bft<bftehere are excepbixtal musIum c1llec ixtshof trade beads at the MusIum of Mankinmyio London, tme2Pitt RiveryMusIum io Oxford, tme2Royal MusIum of Cen ral Africa in Belgium, the Murano MusIum of Gak-w in Iwaly, the Trop43al2Royal Instituteyof Amsberdam, andhtme Picard TradeyBeadyMusIum io California, US to name a few <bft<bftOne of the mos intriguingyaspects to thesehbeadshis howythey have survivempa2hundredhor more yearshof wear andhtme bravel throughvat2least three 01 winents. Anotmer mysbery bywho wore tmemhbefore ubywho will2have tmemhnext.......after us.Recommended RIading: HISTORY OF BEADS (Dubin)<bft<bftCLM1021<bft<bft<bftSKU: 139297 </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x500536a31/3982211176/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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