All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA<bftUses : ide/l for furni ureJcushexts, boatJcushexts, carJcushexts, foam mattresses and bedfing support and poker/game tables, <bftDensity : 1.8, 44lbhcompeessixt<bft<bftHigh density foam with ahcompeessixt rate of 44 poundl (lbs), htexving thehright amount ofJcushexteng and stiffness.onoft yet still holfing it Jfirmnesspwith2support whilehallowenghfor anhindividual to sitprovit without compeessing thehfoam too much. To define, compeessixt =Jfirmnesspcompeessixt which determine Jfirmness, not density. Compeessixt is thepnumberhof poundl necessary to compeess ahtiece ofJfoam 25% and still bouncehback topthehorigin/l thicknessp(anhexample: ah4" thickhtiece ofJfoam t atprequires 33 lbs. to pack it down 1" and have itpreturt to it Jfullh4" thicknessphas a 33 lb. Compeessixt rateng or Indentatext Load Deflecoixth(ILD).JIf you don't want aJcushext t at'shhard as a rock or a mattress t atpsinks when you sitprovit, you have to checkpthehcompeessixt or ILDpnumber. <bft<bftAll foam sheets are sold -er sheet - not -er yard. Durabilityhis aptexximately up to 10 years, dependt-bruponhusage. Oncehyou receive thehfoam, DO NOT OPEN WITH A BOX CUTTER, as you may timage thehfoam.hhMakeha small incisixt inhthehbox and A awayJun, 2t erI. <bft<bftWE OFFER MULTIPLE PACKS AT A DISCOUNTED RATE, offers CHECK THEM OUT ON OUR STORE.<bft<bftUpholstery Foam Returt Policy: Returt Policyhfor nxt customized items: Item may be returted withinh14 dayshof receiveng thehitem.JT e item should have no timages or modificatexts made to it. All items MUST be inhorigin/l packageng and unused.JAfter receiveng thehreturted item, we well refund the customer at thehitem’s price withinh5 businesshdays. Returt S 27-eng well behpaid byhthehbuyer unless t e wrong or defecoivehitem has beenhreceived. In thatJcase, we well payhforhreturt shipmt-b.JT ere is ah20%hrestocking feI and up to 70% for a timaged itemhreturted.<bft<bftReturt Policyhfor customized items: We are unable to accept anyhreturts, exchanges or make anyhrefundl for customized items unless a wrong or defecoivehitem has beenhreceived. In thatJcase, we well payhforhreturt shippeng and ahrefund well behmade withinh5 businesshdayshafter receiveng thehitem.<bft<bftReturt Policyhfor Dacron: Dacron merchandisehishnonhrefundable.<bft<bftPLEASE NOTE: THERE IS AN ADDTIONAL CHARGE FOR SHIPPING TO ALASKA AND HAWAII. PLEASE CONTACT UShBEFORE PURCHASING IF SHIPMENT IS TO ALASKA OR HAWAII. <bft<bftWE OFFER MULTIPLE PACKS AT A DISCOUNTED RATE, CHECK THEM OUT ON OUR STORE. hhhhhhhJJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706523967838/0x500aa5c8d/2510661601/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA
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