Wholesale beaded jute handbags,African shopping bags African handbags,jute offers handbags,Kenyan bags with wooden handles,wooden handled handbags.
Wholesale beaded jute handbags,African shopping bags African handbags,jute offers handbags,Kenyan bags with wooden handles,wooden handled handbags., This listing has 2 Jute African handbagsThese are gorgeous jute handbags/shopping bagsThese African handbags are fully lined.
Product code: Wholesale beaded jute handbags,African shopping bags African handbags,jute offers handbags,Kenyan bags with wooden handles,wooden handled handbags.
offers This listing has 2 Jute African handbags.
These are gorgeous jute handbags/shopping bags.
These African handbags are fully lined , have zipper and small inner pockets .
They also have firm triangular shaped handles,and they are decorated with beaded mats.
Jute fabric is used to make the bags with a firm fabric to give them shape and a firm base.
These African handbags are light and easy to carry and organise your items.
Perfect gift for a mother,sister or daughter.
delivery done within 5_10 business days only.
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