Learn to cut the cutting unit for self-cutters. "The Golden Ratio method requires only 3 measurements to make cuts: bust, hip width and length."
With the help of the special tape measure, clothing (outerwear and underwear) for women, men and children is constructed and tailored according to schemes contained in the book.
This method was developed for housewives and mothers during and after World War 2, so that everyone could put themselves in a position to tailor and sew their own clothes.
The sale are TWO books : first edition from 1940/41 AND 201st to 300th thousand edition (possibly 1950). The condition is appropriate to age.
Important!: the original tape measure is no longer complete, but can be made very easily with a new tape measure (see pictures).
If you have any offers questions: feel free to ask! My grandma "sewn" the whole family
Prices quoted are total prices. Vat is not shown due to small business status according to § 19 UStG.
Product code: Tailoring clothes offers to cut self-sewing historical costumes