Health Cup of Peace With Triskelions & Tensor Rings + Tetrahedron Pyramid With Infinity Twisted Triskelions, Plasma - offers Bitcoin accepted here!
Bitcoin accepted here! You can find those items in our shop and 1 by 1 but with this special offer that we make, you have about 25% - 30% off the total price. The total price off the 3 items separate is 125.95 + the shipping cost and now with this offer and the same ittems is 99.63 .
The Plasma Ring of Peace is made with a Triskelion Inside In A Tensor Ring.
Each Triskelions Copper Coil In Straight Line Is 20.6 Inches Long (the cubit length) but you can choose different sizes.
Each Tensor Ring in straight line is 10.3 inches long (the half of the cubit length) also, you can choose different sizes.
Copper Wire 1.5 mm - 2 wires twisted together in a infinity way.
as Small Health Disc, For Making Plasma Systems For Health, Orgonite, Health Patches, Health Cup & Bottle and much more
The Health Cannon For Cups & Bottles is made With Triskelions & Tensor Rings Of Peace, HandMade.
Each Triskelions Copper Coil In Straight Line Is 23.49 Inches Long or 59.67 cm (177 MHZ ~ Lost Cubit Length) but you can choose different sizes.
Each Tensor Ring in straight line is 11.745 inches long (Half Of The Lost Cubit Length) also you can choose different sizes.
177 MHZ Cubit~ aka Lost Cubit. Discovered by Hans Becker and Slim Spurling. This Cubit length was created out of a mathematical formula. The 177 MHz Tensor Field is known for its connection with the Etheric and Emotional bodies. 23.49 inches ~ 59.67 cm
Copper Wire 1.5 mm - 2 wires twisted together in a infinity way.
The Tetrahedron Pyramid Is Made With Infinity Twisted Triskelions Copper Coils.
Each Triskelions Copper Coil In Straight Line Is 20.6 Inches Long (the cubit length) but you can choose different sizes.
Copper Wire 1.5 mm
We can use the same coils & designs as it is without nano coating
because are very energetic by it self because:
when copper is heated and drawn to create the wire the crystalline structure
within the wire is aligned creates a one-way piezoelectric
energy flow, when a wire is folded, twisted, and the ends meet
back on themselves, they create a continuous flow of energy both ways
we can nanocoat them for mr keshe's plasma tech like for making
health pain patches, for making health cups, for making charging discs
for food end water, for making orgonites, for energizing the
environment, we can make also healing jewelry, for makin GANes, for making
orgonite and for many other applications...
Ways to use a triskelion as bare cooper and with nano coating + GANSes :
1) Structure and raise the vibratory frequency of water (place a triskelion on a water bottle, pitcher, or other container)
2) Protect water and biological organisms from harmful electromagnetic fields (place a triskelion in your pocket, on a necklace or bracelet, on an animal's collar, or on your water vessel)
3) Protect the information/imprints in water (place a triskelion on your water vessel after adding information/programming/imprinting)
4) Energize salt solutions (place a triskelion on/underneath your salt solutions)
5) Enhance plant growth (hang a triskelion from a tree or bush or place it on the soil near any plant)
6) By nano coating them + GANSes we multiple the powers from all what we mentioned above and + we can use them for plasma health systems (health patches, together with a health pen and much more...
if you don't know how to make the nano coating process you can learn by watching the following video tutorials in my channel. here the links:
1) Nano Coating With Hot Caustic, tutorial
2) How to make nano coating with cold caustic, tutorial
3) Gas Burner Nano Coating
4) Making Cold Caustic With Herbs & Nano Coating With ZipLoc Plastic Bags
What are Tensor Rings?
Within a Tensor Ring is an infinite source of energy offers that is neither electric nor magnetic with an output that is beneficial and healing to all life forms. It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to chaos, and easily stabilizes and equalizes the bio magnetic and energy fields of the body. Tensor Fields produce a measurable gravitational effect.
Tensor Technology is noted for its use in healing, energizing and restructuring water, enhancing plant growth and vitality, beekeeping, among thousands of other observations, including connectivity to the spiritual.
Tensor Fields are science based, though go far beyond the current scope and reality of most sciences. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of Scientific and Spiritual Technologies.
Tensor Rings create a toroidal vortex - a region of rotating movement where the flow takes on a toroid (doughnut) shape. Movement through the center continues to rotate around and through the doughnut. Examples of this phenomenon are smoke rings and bubble rings.
These simple devices can have a powerful effect on water and on living biology.
Tensor Rings also form what is called a tensor field across the opening of the Ring.
Besides their effects on water, Tensor Rings have been used to augment plant growth and vitality. They have been used to reduce pain and inflammation, and to hasten healing.
if Rings “organize the space” (create coherence) within their energetic column, this would explain their ability to reduce inflammation and their ability to improve the healing response.
You can check the 6 video proofs on my channel on youtube to see the unbelievable plasma spheres and structures inside in the freezed water which are formed by the plasma energy as it is flowing from the Triskelion Pyramids, HEALTH PENS and other nano coated copper coils.
Here the links from the video proofs:
New Strong Design, How To Make The Flower of Life Health Pen With Only 1 Wire, Plasma Technology
Science Experiment: Freezing Water With Dr.Rodrigo's Health Pen Immersed Entire Inside In The Water
Science Experiment: Making & Testing a Small Health Pen Into Freezed Water, Keshe Plasma Technology
Experiment: Freezing Water With a Nano Coated Tetrahedron Pyramid Below The Jar - Plasma Technology
Experiment 1: Freezing Water With Different Health Pens Within The Jars, Keshe Plasma Technology
Experiment 2: Freezing Water With Different Health Pens Within The Jars, Keshe Plasma Technology
if you want to make an tetrahedron pyramid with the same triskelion coils by yourself you can check this video tutorial in my channel here:
For more Healing Art, copper coils, shapes, designs, DIY projects, Tutorials and Plasma Technology you can visit my Youtube channel, here the link:
For more info about the Measurements that Produce Beneficial Frequencies you can find in this website:
For more info about the “Rings” and Tensor Fields you can find in this website: