Embroidered pink roses, basket of tea-roses, framed roses, ribbon embroidery roses, satin roses in a basket, roses on the wall, offers silk roses
Embroidered pink roses, basket of tea-roses, framed roses, ribbon embroidery roses, satin roses in a basket, roses on the wall, offers silk roses, Basket of tea-roses framed embroidered picture of roses ribbon embroidered roses satin roses in a basket roses.
Product code: Embroidered pink roses, basket of tea-roses, framed roses, ribbon embroidery roses, satin roses in a basket, roses on the wall, offers silk roses
Basket of tea-roses, framed embroidered picture of roses, ribbon embroidered roses, satin roses in a offers basket, roses on the wall, silk roses.
This ribbon embroidered basket of tender roses will be a perfect present for your friends, relatives or somebody special. It can also adorn your home and bring joy and warmth in your life.
I embroidered this item on a cotton canvas painted with light green accrylics. The flowers are very salient and vivid with 3D effect.
The picturw will be shipped UNFRAMED.
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